Thursday, December 4, 2008

Help me Change America

I wanted to see if I could get your quick help. I'm not sure if you've
heard, but there's a movement of citizens inspired by the presidential
campaign who are now submitting ideas for how they think the Obama
Administration should change America. It's called "Ideas for Change in

I've submitted an idea and wanted to see if you could quickly vote for
it. The title is:

Computer Services Work To Support All Good Causes

You can read and vote for the idea by clicking on the following link:

The top 10 ideas are going to be presented to the Obama Administration
on Inauguration Day and will be supported by a national lobbying
campaign run by, MySpace, and more than a dozen leading
nonprofits after the Inauguration. So each idea has a real chance at
becoming policy.

Thanks for the support,


Friday, October 31, 2008

Computer Helpers Without Borders Demo Now Open

In advance of our journey to India, where we will be assessing the professional needs of call center workers, in their effort to raise the bar on quality customer service, we are pleased to announce this demonstration site. On this site, four different American sLanguage segments are available in MP3 format. The program is designed to acquire an auditory ability to hear through the SLanguage that is unique in the five major regions of the United States.

Please share this with anyone you believe would benefit from hearing a cleared message, whether it is personal or business.

Join the Green Drive Campaign
8 Million Laptops and Desktops Saving Energy

Get On the Green Drive Campaign Map for Small Businesses
Patrick M. Dacre
CEO InBusiness4Good Enterprises

Thursday, October 16, 2008 sent this to you using Google Maps: A Google Maps link

Hi, I'd like to share a Google Maps link with you.
Click here for that map..

This is an example of one of the toolkits we developed to visualize an
international campaign for the My Drive is Green effort.

This email was sent to you by a user on Google Maps (

Update for 15 October 2008 on My Drive is Green Campaign


We are having a ball now. Seems that our initial foray into a perceived Green Friendly Social Network( will take longer than we thought. Seems that the EveryOne Helps aspect of our campaign, is inconsistent with the needs of that audience. So, we moved over to, and discovered a more amenable audience for Green Pc campaigns, in the Groups. Live and learn. We still invite folks at, through the E Card campaigns, and those that we invite are the more activated. Interesting that this group, of self avowed green friendly folks, seem to be more inclined to protest, sign petitions, than to take effective direct action. Maybe the Green Pc is too esoteric. Well, on to the Green Groups at LinkedIn, MySpace, YouTube, Facebook, etc.

That is this weeks report. For more on the My Drive is Green Campaign, see this link (

Until the next time..

Join the Green Drive Campaign
8 Million Laptops and Desktops Saving Energy

Get On the Green Drive Campaign Map for Small Businesses
Patrick M. Dacre
CEO InBusiness4Good Enterprises

Welcome to Socially Responsible Management Training

You will find here, through a series of special update reports, done weekly over each weekend, an update to our Socially Responsible Management Training program. This program, based on the actualized work of Patrick Dacre, Chief Encouragement Officer of In Business4Good Enterprises(, will follow the My Drive is Green campaign. The intention of this blog is to provide the tool kits, the methodology, and the surprises that are learned through this campaign. We are inviting those who are willing to learn with us, to read this blog, and then consider working with me, as an associated SRMT. We hope you enjoy this, and share it with others.

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